Friday, April 27, 2012

Just a quick stop by to share a cake I just made....a chocolate cake with Oreo icing in a Minnie mouse theme!

Hello everyone I just wanted to share a pic of some cupcakes I whipped up this this afternoon for some teachers at my sons pre-school!

Assorted cupcakes in Mocha flavor cupcakes topped with heath crunch.....Oreo cupcakes.....strawberry cupcakes with fresh strawberries! Yum!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Wall Mount Jewelry Organizer

I have to admit I am your typical love to shop, shoe-a-holic, handbag addict and accessory junkie type of gal.... what can I say shiny things make me smile :} lol  I use to store all my accessories in a drawer in baskets to have them somewhat organized, but I got so tired of having to rummage through everything to get to what I wanted to wear! So today I decided to make a Jewelry organizer that I could mount on the wall. If you're interested in making one here are some of the supplies you will need....I have to warn you though this project is not just takes PATIENCE! lol

Fabric of your choice ( I used indoor outdoor fabric) for durability....Decorative Trim ...A piece of wood 2ft X 2ft....Staple gun.....Dowel rods cut to 2ft pieces.....white spray paint for dowel rods....hooks in various sizes..... Plastic gutter grates (not sure exactly what they are called).......small screws.....glue gun....Foam core board....hammer and drill.
Take the Plastic gutter and bend one side in half so it would have a lip to hang the earrings.
1) First step is cutting the fabric to the size of the board with a 3inch allowance. 2) Spray the board with the adhesive 3) Place the fabric on to the tacky side then turn it over so the excess fabric can be stapled with a staple gun.(hammer down staples that are raised) 4) cut the foam core to size and use the glue gun to adhere the foam core board to the back of panel. (this will cover the staples and also allow the board to be thicker without weighing it it will keep the screws from sticking out of the board in the back.) 5) take a ruler or yardstick and measure the distance you would like each hook to be....and the distance the earring holders will be. (Take into consideration the length of your longest earrings)
Starting from the top...glue in place then screw in the plastic gutter pieces....then the hooks in the various spots you would like it to be. (I didn't have a drill.... so what I used to make holes so I could screw in the hooks easier is a screw and an electric screw driver)

This is the finished product!

This is what I had Before!

This is After!!!! What a difference!!!! :))
Now I can appreciate all my shiny baubles! lol Getting dressed and deciding what goes with what will be so much easier! Even though it was time consuming it was all worth the work! Now....what to wear

Friday, March 16, 2012

Elmo and Minnie Mouse cakes!

Hello! Just stopping by for a quick post! I wanted to share some new cakes I had a pleasure of making for some cute little girls! One who turned 2 and another who turns one tomorrow!

The inside of this one had a rainbow cake! It was fun to see the kids reactions when they saw the inside for the first time!

These were rainbow cupcakes....I used foil cupcake liners so it was a surprise then they peeled the wrapper off!

A strawberry cake for a sweet one year old!

I added a little texture to the writing on the back pf the hat to make it looked stitched.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Where ya been stranger.....

 Wow has the months really gone by that fast?! I can't believe that the end of February is already approaching! It's almost Easter! I'm sorry I've been in hiatus busy with so many things going on. From the holidays, kids activities, taking care of a house full of sick people including myself...blah, blah, This season has been the worst! I don't think it helps that NC weather is so unpredictable for example this past weekend it was 65 degrees then the next day it snows...what?! I'm starting to rethink my "germaphobeness" maybe I should lay low on the disinfectants because it might just be more I was looking over my blog and noticed there were some pictures of cakes I have done and have not been able to post so I wanted to share them with you now. I've also just gotten into the website "Pinterest"... Hellooo why didn't I think of this site before?! This is my portfolio of ideas but via website! It's so much fun because you get to see what your friends are into and share what you like. Fun! I've been posting some pics of my cake creations and it's fun to see who are re-pinning them. This weekend I will have the privilege of making a cake for my Niece Brenna who turns 2....of course in what else but an ELMO theme! I'll make sure to post those too! Till next time!
Rapunzel cake I made for a sweet girl named Ava!

I used a custom mold I made with a butterfly theme to make the impression.

Ribbon roses are simple and sweet.

Mc Escher inspiration. for a company called Binders Art Supplies.

I hand painted this with gel food coloring.

Christmas cake I made with a forest theme and the use of one of my custom molds to create the bird imprint.

Hand painted snow man scene.

Hand painted log cabin scene.

I create my own custom molds for fondant and this is one I created with a bird theme.

Ben 10 "Way Big" character cake.
Hand painted Ben 10 character.
R2D2 fondant over rice crispies. Hand sculpted and painted.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween Fun!

I hope everyone had fun on Halloween despite the fact that it was on a Monday. We made the best of it and took the kids to a local church who had "Trunk or Treats" with free food and bounce houses....the kids had a blast plus it was free!lol  We did a lot of our Halloween festivities on Saturday at my sisters house who had so much goodies and treats for us....and I loved her Halloween decor! Now that Halloween is over.....I am moving on to the next holiday that is just around the corner...Christmas! I know I didn't mention Thanksgiving....but because I like to have the house festive with Christmas decor before Thanksgiving......the couple of weeks will be dedicated to Christmas decor madness my husband calls craziness......My husband thinks I'm crazy because I put it up so It takes me a week to finish...I just figure why not enjoy it longer!lol....ok...I'm Not to mention between now and then I have to throw a "Ben10" Birthday party for my son who is turning 5! Yay!.....I'm exhausted just thinking about are a few pictures of the costumes I created and some goodies I made for the Halloween fun!

I added the Ruff collar this year. bum is not that big....I had a hoop skirt on!hahaha!

There is nothing more rewarding than someone so excited to be a Power Ranger! When he was putting the costume on he was making sound effects like he was I never realized how hard it was to find the white ranger helmet! I could buy one on EBAY for over $200.00! Yikes!!! I was glad I was able to make one because he would have been so disappointed! How? Old pair of sunglassed, foam board, gold paper, LOTS and lots of duct tape!hahaha!

Fin the Human from Adventure Time! This was super easy to make....all I used was inexpensive felt.

This is the wig that her mother and I made!

Rapunzel dress.....the look on her face when she put the dress on was priceless! She loved it so much she never wanted to take it off....unless she was eating a Popsicle or!

My purple spooky eyeball monster cupcakes!

My spooky ghost cupcakes...which were super simple to make!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fall is here!

This my favorite time of year! I love how nature just changes right before your eyes....and I love the colors of rich and inviting. This is also a super busy time of year for me....making costumes for my two boys....*clearing throat* and This year I got a great opportunity to make a Rapunzel dress for a little girl named Ava! I am super excited about this because it is such a fresh change from making boy I enjoy all the frills and ribbons! This weekend I was busy making cakes for 2 a Grandfather who is a hunting enthusiast and my nephew who is crazy about anything Mario! I do love a challenge....and when I do cakes because each one is is always different and such a learning experience.

I enjoyed making this deer head! All the skills I learned from sculpture class started to came

Because of the Fall season...I wanted to incorporate the colors on the cake by adding leveas made out of MMFondant.

I covered horns in white But I wouldn't eat it because I had to construct them out of wire and duct

Everything else on the cake is edible  This is an ultimate chocolate cake....with fudge filling...and home made chocolate icing.

This one is for my nephew....and his reaction to the cake made all the work worth it!

I constructed all the characters from rice crispy treats then covered them in MMFondant!

His favorite character is Yoshi....and he was super excited to eat his head!lol

I am also super excited to share the costumes I am working on.....I will share that on my next blog!

About Me

I am a mom with three boys (that includes my husband) that keeps me on my toes. I love anything artistic. Back in the day, what I call B.C. "Before children" I was very active in the art community and I had all the time in the world to paint my heart away. Now I have changed my focus on family and express my creativity in small projects. In this blog I will be sharing my love for Art, Painting, Design, DIY's, Photography and just being Crafty.