Monday, March 28, 2011

Dining Room Makeover!

Hello blog...I have sooo missed you!lol I know it's been so long since I've posted but I have been trying to finish some projects at home and trying to get over a cold that has lasted over 2 weeks! I hate getting sick! You know how it goes, if one gets it, it's like the domino Well enough of that, I'm so excited to share that I have finally finished my dining room project! I started with tackling the light fixture.......

As you can see...I was so excited to see what the shade I found would look like......then remembered...oh! I should take a before pic!lol
 See what a little can of spray paint can do! I knew that the glass shades just would not go with what I wanted to I purchased some Krylon White gloss....then distresses the paint a little after it dried. I then sealed it with a clear acrylic gloss. I also changed the shades with something much cleaner in design. I was very pleased with the outcome (my husband was too since I didn't have to buy a new!

And all it took was a few hours! I always do my painting when the weather is nicer and warmer outside, it seems to help in a quicker drying process.
In the same time I was doing the mini projects I was trying to finish my focal wall. I decided to make a big mistake do a stencil on the focal wall of a quatrefoil pattern. It lasted longer than I thought...and didn't help any that I was sick as a dog. I painted the wall gray and used an iridescent acrylic paint to do the pattern in so when the light hit it a certain way it would sparkle! I love how it turned out but there were a lot of boo boo'
I now have more love for freehand! The thing with the stencil is if it's off by just even a turn into an inch at the end! I want to share the ugly truth to show that it's only paint and it can be fixed as best as possible.

I was also inspired by this fabric that I just fell in love with. I decided to make a quick framed art with the fabric. You could also do this with any fabric that you love when's an easy solution to wall art!

I just love the colors and the birds. It also adds a bit of chinoiserie which I think goes well with the quatrefoil fabric.

I wanted to place the fabric somewhere else in the room to make it cohesive...I made a lamp! This is a very easy project and fun too! I took an old lamp shade I had and made a template.....
I just placed a piece of paper over the metal frame and made an indentation so I knew what size to cut the fabric. I place it over the piece of fabric and cut 8 pieces that would connect like a puzzle.

Cut the excess fabric after it's all glued.

I used a glue gun to attach it to the old shade right over the existing fabric.....just make sure that when you do each panel that you smooth it out so there are no wrinkles. I work my way from the top to the bottom.....makes it much easier because glue gun dries fast. I used some trim to cover the seams. I purchased a brass lamp base from the Thrift store for $5.99....and used Krylon black gloss paint. I had to rewire the lamp...but that is super easy! You could purchase lamp kits from Lowe's or use an existing one from an old lamp like I did......

I love that when the light is on the picture of the bird just glows.
 I also recovered the original dining chairs with the quatrefoil fabric. If you have chairs like mine they are the simplest to recover. All you have to do is unscrew the seats from under which are usually attached by 4 screws. Place the seat top side down on the fabric you want to use (make sure you fold it over to give allowance for the foam) and cut it out. Use this as your template for cutting out the other fabric you need for the other chairs. All you need is a heavy duty staple gun! 
Start by placing staples on the top....1&2.....then 3&4..........5&6.....7& get the idea (always pulling tight). I place them about an inch apart....then just work your way out....always in that pattern. When you get to the corners just pull it tight and tuck and staple the excess fabric.
This is the original fabric it had....

If you have an existing cover on....I just removed it and used it as a template.
So after all is the before.......

Sorry all I had was a Christmas But you get the idea......
If you have ever considered doing a room make over, go for it! The simplest changes makes a big difference and you could accomplish anything even on a small budget! Little tip on saving money on paint.....Sometimes paint can cost up to $30 a gallon! What I do is I go to the clearance section of the paint....I check it once a week and they always seem to have a neutral color on clearance....they sell them for $5 a gallon! I just get all the much as I would need for a room.....then choose a color from the templates......I go about 3 shades darker from the color I want. Purchase the sample for $2.95 and just mix it with the gallon.....I seem to always get close to the color I want. If it's too dark...just add more white, If you want it darker add some more color. I'm not too picky when it comes to the shade so this works for my cheap Remember....It is always better to have paint left over for those touch ups in the future! Here is how it turned out! I can't wait to have a party! :o)
See how I covered up my boo boo's.....shhhh..... ;o)

The Picture in the white frame was a needle point my late aunt made....I knew this was the perfect place for it :o) The brass tree is something my mother had and kept for years....I love it so much, it brings memories of the home I grew up in.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Love for Decorating

I Have been so busy these past few days with all the projects around my house. My mind never rests and I just keep on thinking of new things to do to improve my surroundings. I've only lived in this home for almost 3 years, but only now have felt like I am getting comfortable enough to really know what I want certain rooms to look like and really narrow down "my style." There are many options out there when it comes to design and decorating so it could get quite confusing at times. I always start with the "feeling" I want the room to have, maybe...cozy...or get the idea. Then  I decide on the color palette I would love to have, sometimes this inspiration comes form fabric or a painting or a piece of furniture....or maybe something that you own that you just love! I also get lot's of ideas from reading blogs about decorating. I came across this blog called Hooked on Houses I love this blog.....because the snoop in me is always interested in what other homes look like inside. She also talks about my all time favorite movie Somethings Gotta Give, besides the fact that I am drool crazy over Keanu Reeves, I just love the way the house is decorated in this movie, so light, airy and who wouldn't love to have a home in the Hampton's right? She also has many other movie homes and plenty of pictures and information about them. I just thought I would share....maybe you too could get some inspiration :o)

Here is a fabric swatch that I have been really inspired by and plan to do my dining room in......

I plan to recover my dining chairs in this fabric.
I also plan to do a wall treatment with a stencil of this on my dining room wall to coordinate in grey and pearlescent color so when the light hits it you could see a hint of the I have also decided to re do my dining room chandelier....I will post updates on that later. I have been dangerous with a can of white spray paint I've been painting lot's of things white to go in my dining room including my old chandelier. I will also have a bedroom update soon because my husband and I have found our headboard! I get it this Friday....Yay!!! Till next time...happy decorating! :o)

About Me

I am a mom with three boys (that includes my husband) that keeps me on my toes. I love anything artistic. Back in the day, what I call B.C. "Before children" I was very active in the art community and I had all the time in the world to paint my heart away. Now I have changed my focus on family and express my creativity in small projects. In this blog I will be sharing my love for Art, Painting, Design, DIY's, Photography and just being Crafty.