Friday, June 17, 2011

Hamburger cake!

Hello blog world! Summer is here and it's hotter than a......well you get the picture it is HOT!lol I've been busy doing the mommy thing and just trying to keep sane while I have my 4 and 6 year old boys at home with me 24-7! I love them to death but sometimes high energy from morning till the time they hit the sack is exhausting!lol This weekend my neighborhood is having a block party and I thought what a perfect opportunity to make a hamburger cake! I made it out of triple chocolate cake and vanilla butter creme and MM fondant. Just like every cake I do, because it is a custom cake, each one is different and is a learning experience. I originally wanted to do an open face burger but with time constraint I had to settle for a regular burger. It was a little disappointing since I took such care in making the tomatoes, onion and pickles but say la vie...I'm still very happy with the outcome.

Hamburger cake!

Sesame seeds I cut out with a petal icing tip.

Ketchup and mustard is melted MM fondant....which is great because once it dries it's hard like regular fondant!

Mmmm.....makes me want a burger!lol A happy accident with my simple syrup...looks like grease dripping from a burger.

About Me

I am a mom with three boys (that includes my husband) that keeps me on my toes. I love anything artistic. Back in the day, what I call B.C. "Before children" I was very active in the art community and I had all the time in the world to paint my heart away. Now I have changed my focus on family and express my creativity in small projects. In this blog I will be sharing my love for Art, Painting, Design, DIY's, Photography and just being Crafty.