Friday, January 28, 2011

Here I first Blog....I guess I should start by telling you a little about myself. I have always been artistic and love art. I took several art classes in college and loved every minute of it! It was what I call my prime time, I'm sure we all have those memories of the good ol' days. Time just flew and here I am, mother of 2 crazy boys (4 and 6), and married to a patient, loving hubby.  I don't get to paint much these days but I do still enjoy expressing my creativity through projects around the house. I am one of those people who are perfectly happy being at home and keep myself busy all day long. My husband calls me a  
     Well since the new year has come I have been in this organizing, re-decorating mode. I think it is very important to have your home reflect your personality. I want to wake up every morning and feel happy with my surroundings. When things look pretty it makes me  I was introduced to the world of Blogs by my sister . That was when I got inspired! Here is the first project I tackled in Jan 2011....... I was inspired by I love, love, love this!  I love how she has put a personal touch in every nook and cranny in her home! So I decided to redo my pantry with her inspiration. I always felt like my pantry was too small for my needs, so I fixed it to work for me!

My pantry organizing.......I never realized how a little paint and cheap containers could make things look and feel better. Now it makes my recycling much easier and plus I can tell what we need and don't need from the grocery store at first glance.

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About Me

I am a mom with three boys (that includes my husband) that keeps me on my toes. I love anything artistic. Back in the day, what I call B.C. "Before children" I was very active in the art community and I had all the time in the world to paint my heart away. Now I have changed my focus on family and express my creativity in small projects. In this blog I will be sharing my love for Art, Painting, Design, DIY's, Photography and just being Crafty.