Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bedroom in progress Phase 1

Okay I admit I am one of those people who are very erratic when it comes to projects.lol I currently have 4 going on right now. So far this is the project I started in Jan. and have yet to finish....maybe this week? It depend on how my week goes, I have two boys remember. I pretty much do my painting in the morning when my 4 year old son is sleeping or else he has the idea that he can paint too. I have the most stubborn 4 year old in the world so to him "No" means "Yes"! The color I chose for this room is actually a stretch from the colors I normally choose. I usually go for lighter earth tones, but to a pleasant surprise I love it! Instead of making the room feel dark it actually made it feel serene.  The color is called "Deep Twilight Blue" from the Valspar line. I used this color for the accent wall behind the bed because I felt like I needed the dark color to anchor that wall. The room will have so many heavy furniture like a dresser and chair etc. I didn't want those things to take a way from the focal point which is the bed. I plan to paint the other walls in "Woodlawn Silver Brook" which is 2 shades lighter. I call this Phase 1 and so far this is the outcome!

Before......I should have taken a pic. of my old bedding on the bed with the gold and red theme, but you get the idea with the box valance.

After......ahhh, so much better! I don't have a headboard yet so I made this painting and placed it above the bed for now. Thank goodness I had those box valances from last time because all I had to do was wrap it with the new one! I just used a few black head sewing pins which worked pretty well.

As you notice the other walls on the sides are still white.lol I searched everywhere for off white panels that would be long enough and I wouldn't have to pay an arm and a leg for. I finally found some at Ikea! Love that store! Well anyways.....this is it so far....I will post other updates on this project soon!

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About Me

I am a mom with three boys (that includes my husband) that keeps me on my toes. I love anything artistic. Back in the day, what I call B.C. "Before children" I was very active in the art community and I had all the time in the world to paint my heart away. Now I have changed my focus on family and express my creativity in small projects. In this blog I will be sharing my love for Art, Painting, Design, DIY's, Photography and just being Crafty.